Guidelines for Digital Onboarding
How to create trading account?
Insert the following to register yourself for Email Authentication Code
- Email Address
- Password
- Re-Type Password
- A code will be sent on your registered email address check & verify email code
After registration client will login with the same login ID/Password and a window will appear with the following tabs
- Form for New Customer
- Form for KYC
- Form for Already UKN
Step 1:
Fill the Basic Information & submit it for OTP from NCCPL
- Account Holder Name (should be entered as per CNIC/SNIC/NICOP/POC)
- Email address
- Residential Status (Resident/Non-Resident)
- CNIC Number (CNIC Number field must be in digit only)
- Issue Date (CNIC/SNIC/POC/NICOP Issue date must be less than system/calendar date)
- Registered Mobile Number (should be 11 digits only)
- IBAN Number (IBAN Number must be of length 24)
- Once the form is submitted by the client, the broker will generate the OTP.
- The OTP once received by the client shall be verified by the broker.
Step 2:
After verifying OTP, the client will fill up the following;
- Expiry Date (Expiry must be current or after system date/incase of lifetime selected expiry must be null)
- Bank Name (length should be not more than 40 characters)
- Select Account Type (Normal Account/Sahulat Account)
- Father/Husband Name
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Nationality
- Marital Status (Single/Married)
- Gender
- Mother Name
- Mailing Address (Split in 3 lines; mentioned special characters are allowed only (# * , . / ))
- Permanent Address (Split in 3 lines; mentioned special characters are allowed only (# * , . / ))
- Occupation details (in case of “other” selected length should be not more than 50 characters)
- Annual Income
- Zakat status (Muslim Zakat Deductible/Non-Deductible/Not Applicable)
- Attach relevant documents in (jpg, jpeg, png – max size 400kb) and click on Submit
- The broker will submit the form to EClear for verification
- EClear will verify the details of the client and will push the form to NCCPL via API for further processing.
Note: OTP will be sent to the account holder’s phone number in case the client is a Resident Pakistani & if Non- Resident, it will be sent via email by NCCPL.
For details of Online Account Opening Response Code, please visit the link below